The Big Study Group Guidelines and Rules
Welcome to the Big Study Group! So glad you’re here! To make sure this works well for everyone, there are a few guidelines we ask that you all follow:
1) Be respectful
Treat others how you would like to be treated, but don’t assume that other people are the same as you.
This group is open to students from all walks of life. The more diverse it is, the more we will all learn. If you’re not sure how to be respectful in a situation:
- Listen to others
- Do some research
- Ask!
Everyone deserves to live and learn in an environment free from discrimination. This group does not tolerate any hurtful, discriminatory or offensive language or behaviour.
There are younger high school students in the group. Make sure anything you post is age-appropriate.
Please use the pronouns that people prefer.
2) Be supportive
There are no stupid questions! We support each other in this group.
Everyone learns in different ways. Sometimes we learn things quickly, and sometimes it takes longer. So wherever you’re at right now is totally fine.
Don’t judge others, and make sure that we all feel comfortable asking whatever questions we need to so we can learn.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t give people feedback on their work if they ask for it. Be constructive:
- Give specific suggestions for how to improve
- Don’t make general statements about what you don’t like
- Make sure you tell them what parts you do like!
3) BUT not too supportive!
Don’t help someone else plagiarise or plagiarise yourself.
Plagiarism means pretending that someone else’s work is your own. It is cheating. It isn’t fair to other students, but it also isn’t fair to you because it stops you learning. We do not support any plagiarism or copying of work.
Sometimes it can be helpful to show someone how you did something so they can understand how to do it. It can also be tricky to know the difference between plagiarism and using sources to do research. If you’re unsure in any way, please ask me!
4) Keep private things private
Sharing is great for learning, so feel free to share what you are learning in the group with people outside the group.
Everyone deserves privacy though. Don’t share any personal information about members of the group.
Also, make sure you protect your own privacy. Think carefully before you share private information with other people online. Think very carefully before you share contact details.
5) Stay on topic (mostly)
A bit of chat can be great, but not if it takes over a discussion other people are having.
6) How to sort out problems
Please message me if:
- You think someone might not be following these guidelines
- You feel uncomfortable about something that has happened or been discussed in the group
- You have a question.
It’s also OK to tell me if you have a concern about something I’ve done or said.
We’ll start by having a chat to resolve things and to see what we can all learn from the situation. If someone doesn’t follow the guidelines repeatedly (or does something very serious and breaches our Rules), I will ask them to leave.
Big Picture Tutoring has a Child Safe Policy. It explains how any adults working with us should behave, and what we do to make sure students are safe.
Your parent or guardian can ask to see any direct messages or emails between you and me.
I will contact your parent or guardian if you post anything that leads me to believe that:
- You are being hurt by someone else, or may be hurt in the future
- You are hurting yourself, or may hurt yourself in the future
- You are hurting someone else, or may hurt them in the future.
If you have ideas about updating these guidelines to help the group work even better, I’m all ears!
Rules (these are more serious!)
We also have some Big Study Group Rules (Rules) that we ask that you agree to before participating in our Big Study Group to make sure everyone feels protected and respected. These may seem stronger than the guidelines but the guidelines are to make sure the group runs smoothly and these are more serious rules to ensure everyone feels and is protected. Please ask me if you have any questions or don’t understand any of the Rules.
By taking part in our private group, and in contributing to or participating in any comments or forums, you agree to the following Rules (Rules):
Any recommendations, comments, information, experiences or other discussions you may participate in (Comments) must comply with these Rules and be made in the spirit, culture and ethos of the study group and our purpose generally. In other words, your Comments are to be helpful and informative, not disruptive.
Any posted materials you may add, including any links, videos, and images, (Posts) must also comply with these Rules. We are not responsible for any posted content, including but not limited to any other website links and content. We may remove any unsuitable Posts in our sole discretion at any time if we feel they are not assisting the Big Study Group purpose and do not contribute to the content.
Confidentiality is very important to any group. All discussions and conversations are to be kept confidential and not to be discussed or disseminated at any time outside the group. This is important to ensure that everyone feels comfortable asking questions and feels secure in a group environment. You can, however, share information and educational tools from the study group but cannot share contact details or any personal information about any of the other participants in the group. In the event of any breach of this fundamental rule, immediate termination may result and you may be asked to leave the group.
We do not allow comments that:
use aggressive, rude or offensive language
encourage illegal intent including false claims, defamation, harassment, fraud and collusion
are abusive or malicious against or may offend any other participant, our staff or any other person
are objectionable or rude
may be considered bullying behaviour.
Please consider the impact your Comments may have before posting or providing them. Try to make sure anything you post is supportive, and share your guidance and information in a helpful manner. Our aim is to encourage helpful comments and feedback in a safe and secure environment and hope that you will assist, benefit from and enjoy this initiative. We ask that you carefully consider any Comments you may make and the impact they may have in a respectful manner.
You understand and agree that we may ban any person that, in our sole judgment, violates these Rules, or that might violate the rights of, harm, or threaten the safety of other participants in the group. You may be banned from accessing the group for continued breach of these Rules, without notice, and at our sole discretion.
You understand and agree that Olivia Kinnear t/a Big Picture Tutoring will take any other action, where required, against any person that does not abide by these Rules or where action is taken against us by any person, visitor or third party as a result of your Comments.
Opinions, advice and all other information expressed by participants in discussions or Comments are those of the participant and not Olivia Kinnear t/a Big Picture Tutoring or anyone associated with our group or business. You rely on and/or act on any such information at your own risk and need to make your own enquiries before taking any action related to any Comment. In other words, if you choose to follow any recommendations or advice of any other person in the group, you are doing so at your own risk. We ask that you check with the group moderator prior to making any decision based on the recommendation of another group member.
Any action you choose to take with any other participant or person in any group, outside the group or indirectly through our services, including but not limited to providing another group member with your personal information, telephone, email, arranging a meeting, setting up social media groups or other activities with anyone is done at your own risk. We are at no time responsible for or liable for any action you choose to take under any circumstance or anything that may result from this.
Any resources you may be provided with including any course materials, videos or other tools we may provide to you during or as part of the study group, to assist with your understanding, is proprietary, not to be shared, used or given to any other person outside of the group without the written approval of Olivia Kinnear t/a Big Picture Tutoring. You are to use them for your own personal educational purposes only.
Finally, we also need you to familiarise yourself with our Child Safe Policy. It will help keep you safe from any unwanted contact or attention.”